
Never In History (2025)
Legacy (2023)
The Bitter Truth (2022)
Horsemen (2021)
3vE (2019)
God Is A Martian (2018)
Einer Sie Gern (2014)
- Lyrics . Links . Notes -

(2025) The latest ManifestiV release & first with all five members in tow both in studio & on stage, Never In History centers around a 9/8 time signature with proportionate size, dynamic, brutality & relief, all before a climactic payoff that conveys feelings of adaptation & calibration to the unprecedented. ↓

(2023) The sixth & immensely collaborative release (& first proper GIVE/TAKE release, as well as the first LP since debut Einer Sie Gern) Legacy combines the band's vibraphone-laden industrial prowess with lcn1's deeply moving soundscapes to tell a tale doused in dynamic vocal harmony at first, then silenced halfway through to an instrumental fury of grief cycling through to acceptance & ending with intergalactic hope. ↓

(2022) An unorthodox "pre-mix" release titled The Bitter Truth serves as the initial ManifestiV offering through GIVE/TAKE Records, including remixes by old friend & new label-mate KPT & longtime cohort lcn1 who take the band's past & future original material on a journey taking off from a dying planet into an unpromising life in space. ↓

(2021) The ManifestiV fourth release Horsemen reflects upon an accidental foreshadow of the pandemic in speechless resonance, first devolving from rich ambient washes void of boundary before accumulating walls of decimated sound driven by relentless rhythm & bass into a void of dissonance laced with bowed vibraphones, echoing a welcome overstayed by our species on this planet. ↓

(2019) The remix accompaniment to God is a Martian and third ManifestiV release 3vE includes some of its songs reimagined by Bijou Noir and Bloodied from across Earth as well as a desolate reinterpretation of Radiohead's "Daydreaming" from home. ↓

(2018) The ManifestiV sophomore release God is a Martian depicts the journey of human emotion before transcending into the next life via judgement by ethereal beings, summing up a life ending far too rapidly. ↓

(2014) The ManifestiV debut Einer Sie Gern (rough German translation for "Of you, gladly" conveying a satirical salutation) narrates a commonly human journey from obscurity of self via distorted guidance & entrapment to the endless empowerment of confidence & awareness.

Paragraph's loungey croons & decimated guitars gracefully mingle alongside Lillith's far-eastern harmonies & electric vibraphones, all within soundscapes ranging from ambient washes to industrial walls, each according to the sentient emotion of each song. ↓

[Encaustic beeswax paintings by Lillith embody the spirit of each song as well as the album as a whole.]